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The time has come and you are planning to sell your house. How exciting! There are a mix of emotions, from the excitement about the upcoming move, to the sadness of leaving your house behind. With so many thoughts swirling around, it may be easy to overlook some of the last minute tasks that every seller should consider. Don't sell your home short; simple fixes can help you net the highest offer!
1. The Simple Repairs
Anyone who has lived in a home for more than a few years can agree that the small things add up. Whether it's loose doorknobs or a wall that needs patching, the small imperfections can make your home less appealing to buyers. Try and handle as many of the small fixes as possible before listing. That way, there will be far less you have to fix after you accept an offer.
2. Brighten the Place Up
It's a good idea to do some spring cleaning. Don't overlook the things that you usually forget. Wipe down baseboards and mirrors, clean your windows, mop and wax the floors. Deodorize carpets and furniture, and try to get rid of any unpleasant odors. Organize and reduce clutter.  A cluttered home appears much smaller than it actually is. Pack most of your personal decorations, such as family pictures or unique artwork. These personalized items make it much more difficult for potential buyers to picture themselves inside of the home.
3. Slap Some Paint on It
It can never hurt to put a fresh coat of paint on your walls. You may not notice it as much since you see it everyday, but buyers will be able to tell if they are dull. Try to stick to neutral tones because they don't get dirty as easily as white walls do. Buyers may not have the same taste in colors as you do, so steer clear of the bright, bold ones that you might be eager to try.
4. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
While the inside is what counts the most, many people will pass a home if the outside is not appealing, too. You can focus on landscaping or use a power washer to freshen your exterior paint.